This is jet leg literature: sunshine heat wave words corrupted from and by the Republican military homo bathing beauties and Beecroft-like hygienic military precision and fitness avant-garde complexions in San Diego, South California, the fog bravado and gay/gold chronicles in San Francisco and the abandoned gamblers in Reno, Nevada peddling their luggage and hotel room furniture to afford return flights home: lots of incentives to re-evaluate this programme of work, lots of distractions, lots of thoughts and no conclusions. And no offence to any artist in this programme but we’d like to think it would work just as well in a porno house as a gallery: we sought out work that shimmered and perturbed body against brain, the physical against the intellectual, we watched videos, films and clips to manipulate and modify our thoughts seeking a selection that would re-educate our own approach to this work: for example Cruising with Al Pacino, Carrie with Sissy Spacek, I Spit on Your Grave with Camille Keaton, lots of movie with split screen techniques, brilliant scene fades and the image interstice and missing narrative timelines, film re-enactments and any artist who tore apart cinema like shredding identity theft fanatics, we read Godard, The Cinematic and Gilles Deleuze, listened to Kraftwerk and Happy Handbag House in mono on 78rpm until our hearts bled on a frequency of technological bewilderment. We would have liked to accompany this screening with a hot marine skinhead clad in Galliano underpants working out in the corner.
We are putting online a download file, a longer essay of which this is a sample, for more information: we decided not to create anything longer than 400 words for this paper programme: we watched a great deal of interesting work and responded, with a myriad of distractions and sensibilities with a selection of raw, dirty, sleazy, beautiful, agonising, repugnant, slapstick, unwatchable, violent, sensorial work, and a selection that would define its own consequences on our practice, later down the line when we have sought out the motivations and meanings within these artists work, that said we also created this programme for LowSalt: individual, tight, muscular, burning – perhaps we have our hot marine after all.
DIE YUPPIE SCUM text from Stephen Palmer's Colour Blind video